Destination Danang Running Documentary

The remarkable trek of Georgia ultra marathon runner, Stan Cottrell, who ran down the coastal highway from Hanoi through Hue to Danang in all » an effort to foster harmony between the peoples of the US and Vietnam.

Though there is a great deal of talk in the film (and a narration that often approaches poetry), the best of it is the pictures of Cottrell jogging determinedly through hamlets full of the curious and landscapes full of the litter of war. And yet there is something so good-natured about this epic wind-mill-tilt that DESTINATION DANANG takes on a dizzy life of its own--you roll with it. "He was very loud and he said foolish things," says Annie Huynh, and she is surely right. But he means so well. Of course, Americans have always meant so well in Vietnam. But perhaps this time, the film says, will be different.

Stan Cottrell's earlier run in China was also made in to a film by director Mickey Grant and is appearing on Google Video and is titled CHINA RUN. Stan Cottrell is an American possessed with understanding the true meaning of friendship. A very simple yet possessed fellow from Kentucky.

A man with the guts to meet our former enemy. Not as a peace promoter. But just as a simple man wanting to understand friendship.

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